Cooties revolves around a school teacher (Elijah Wood) who is forced into a fight for his life when the students of the school become bloodthirsty killers due to a virus. Teaming up with fellow surviving educators, they try to escape the pint-sized horrors roaming the halls.
The idea is a strong one. And the poster reminds me of the campy horror movie promos of the eighties. I think this could be a mean little picture with a ton of dark humor poured in. Co-starring Rainn Wilson and Alison Pill, the production has a ton of promise. But it is directed by two new commers i. the game, Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, so there is truly no scale to Really base this on. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Stupid internet, not having a trailer. I though we lived in the future? oh, I'm sorry, internet. How can I stay mad at you?
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